Wildflower Seed Mixes

Why shop YourGreen wildflower seed mixes

Our eco-friendly wildflower seeds range has something for everyone. No matter what sized space you have or how much experience, there is a wildflower seeds mix for you! Grow your own eye-catching wildflower seeds mix, which not only looks and feels amazing but is also a wildlife haven! You can sow wildflower seeds in meadows, gardens, parks, pots and planters, as well as giving derelict or disused spaces a new lease of life!

Our wildflower seed mixes have been designed with nature in mind. They are a fantastic habitat, food source and pollinator for bees, birds, butterflies and insects. Growing the YourGreen wildflower seeds mixtures are also a perfect way for us to connect with nature and enjoy all of its benefits. From helping us to get mentally and physically fit to bringing us together as a community.