Pollen Pact

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Sowing Rates

50g covers up to 20m²

100g covers 20-40m²

250g covers 40-100m²

500g covers 100-200m²

1kg covers 200-400m²

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YourGreen wildflower seed pack

Product Details

A mixture for the bees and butterflies to enjoy, just as much as you do! This 100% wildflower mix is a great food source for pollinators, as well as creating a lovable habitat. This mix is so important. It supports our environment, the natural food chain and the world we live in. A real winner in more ways than one.
Bishops Flower, Black Eyed Susan, California Poppy, Candy Tuft, Cornflower, Fairy Toadflax, Garden Cosmos, Love in a Mist, Peredovic Sunflower, Phacelia, Sulphur Cosmos, Foxglove, Vipers Bugloss, Carthusian Pink, Common Knapweed, Devils Bit Scabious, Dwarf Lupin, Field Scabious, Greater Knapweed, Jacobs Ladder, Michaelmas Daisy, Purple Coneflower, Red Campion, Sainfoin, Yarrow, Yarrow Cloth of Gold, Yarrow Colorado Blend

Prep your site

1. Sow from March - September

2. Clear any weeds, grass or plants from the area

3. Break up the soil

4. If sowing into an area where there weren’t any weeds or plants (planters or pots) head straight to the SOW section

5. If you had to remove plants, leave the area for a couple of weeks and then repeat step one

6. Once you have done this, rake over the area and then walk over or roll to flatten the soil

Sow your seed

1a. Use about 2.5g/m² of your 100% YourGreen wildflower seed mix 1b. Use about 5g/m² of your YourGreen grass & wildflower seed mix

2. Spread seed by hand. For large projects use a contractor/spreader

3. Sow half of pack from left to right and half from top to bottom of area

4. You don’t want the seed too deep so rake or cover over the seed but don’t bury it (depth 0.5cm)

5. Walk over, press or roll the area to get seed to soil contact

6. Water well for the first few weeks, keeping the area moist

7. After sowing reduce traffic (if applicable) as we don’t want to damage the young plants

8. Remove any weeds which appear - best to do this by hand.

Grow your wildflowers

1. Water regularly, especially if it’s dry weather. Soil should be moist.

2. Cut once in spring (optional) and then again in the autumn. Remove all the cuttings please!

3. If growing a 100% annual mix (our Native Flora or Space Saver mix) only cut once in the autumn and resow the mix each year

4. Removing weeds is always going to help keep your bed in shape! Hoe the area and pull weeds out by hand

Delivery & shipping

For wildflower seed our standard delivery time is 2-4 working days (orders placed after 2pm count as an order from the following day).

We will always communicate with you if there are any updates about your order which you need to know about – we believe honesty is the best policy when it comes to service. Please enter a contact number and/or email address when you check out so that we can contact you with delivery updates.

We currently deliver to mainland UK. For deliveries to mainland UK, there is a standard charge of £4.99 (where VAT is applicable) for all orders under £50.00. For orders above this price, delivery is free. If you live in the UK on an offshore island, please email hello@your-green.co.uk for a bespoke delivery charge.


Click here for full FAQs and growing advice.


Woman enjoying nature
Woman picking flowers

I wanted something to give the patio area some life. We chose to use Native Flora in a vertical garden which was attached to the fence around the seating area. From the moment the mix started to grow (which was surprisingly quickly!) it really added that something special to this area of the garden. We also got lots of visits from the bees & butterflies as an added bonus!


The Space Saver mix is so easy to grow and, as a beginner, it was just what I was looking for! Packed full of beautiful flowers and giving off so many wonderful colours, this mix really did make me feel happy and proud of growing something of my own!
